Cartoon of the cartoonist First Dog on thhhhe Moon

First Dog on the Moon

First Dog on the Moon (who used to be known as Andrew Marlton) has been a full-time cartoonist since 2007, first at Crikey and then, since 2014, at The Guardian Australia. He has also written and illustrated books and performed live on stage. First Dog is a Walkley Award-winner and was MoAD’s Political Cartoonist of the Year in 2011.

Works also displayed at Behind the Lines 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

An animal stands behind a lectern and addresses delegates at the 2023 ALP National Conference.

ALP Conference 2023

The Guardian Australia,

Three penguins argue about whether climate change is more important than getting Taylor Swift tickets.

Sea Level Taylor Swift

The Guardian Australia,

As an external consultant, a potato investigates, through a series of internal meetings, the misuse of confidential information at PwC.

PwC 2023

The Guardian Australia,

Cartoon called Commander Toto by First Dog on the Moon

Commander Toto

The Guardian Australia,

Cartoon called COVID 2022 Help Help by First Dog on the Moon

COVID 2022 Help Help

The Guardian Australia,

Cartoon of Scott Man 2020 by First Dog on the Moon

Scott Man 2020

The Guardian Australia,

Cartoon called Stories of the Flood by First Dog on the Moon

Stories of the Flood

The Guardian Australia,

Angry Climate Kids

Angry Climate Kids

The Guardian Australia,

Museum of Nice Things

Museum of Nice Things

The Guardian Australia,

Comrade Morrison

Comrade Morrison

The Guardian Australia,

Pets of the Pandemic

Pets of the Pandemic

The Guardian Australia,

Saving the Animals

Saving the Animals

The Guardian Australia,

Tony Tony Tony

Tony Tony Tony

The Guardian Australia,


Farewell to the Bramble Cay Melomys

The Guardian Australia,